"There is far more to being healthy than simply not being sick. That is why we do research: to help people safely live their best lives possible in spite of their pulmonary disease."

Marcella Debidda, PhD

The Foundation’s research efforts are primarily dedicated to investigating the effects of high-intensity exercise and lifestyle change as they relate specifically to safety, efficacy and pulmonary function in patients living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD), Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) and Covid-19. 


Researchers from the Pulmonary Wellness Foundation and the University of Dayton are recruiting patients for a clinical trial of a rehabilitation program for COVID long-haulers. After an initial consultation via Zoom, eligible participants will come to the Pulmonary Wellness Foundation’s COVID-19 Rehabilitation and Recovery Clinic at H&D Physical Therapy in New York City for an orthostatic tolerance test, pre- and post-treatment exercise tolerance tests and 24 treatment sessions that will involve aerobic exercise, supplemental oxygen, or both. They will also undergo an initial screening consultation and cognitive testing via Zoom, and complete daily and weekly questionnaires online. Each appointment will last approximately one-hour and participants will receive paid compensation for their participation.

You may be eligible for the study if you:

  1. Males and Females
  2. Between the ages of 18-55
  3. Contracted COVID-19 between February to August 2020
  4. Have been clinician-diagnosed with COVID-19 based on PCR/antigen testing, antibody testing, or clinical symptoms
  5. Are currently experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, which began only after contracting COVID-19 : dyspnea, cough, chest pain, tachycardia or other arrhythmias, hypertension, hypotension, blood pressure lability, oxygen desaturation, exercise/activity intolerance, fatigue, or dizziness.
  6. Have been cleared by a physician for exercise and/or supplemental oxygen.
  7. Have the capacity to provide written, informed consent
  8. Able to complete questionnaires in English

You may contact the principal investigators Noah Greenspan, DPT, CCS, EMT-B and Julie Walsh-Messinger, PhD with questions about the study.

This study was approved by the University of Dayton

Institutional Review Board on January 20, 2021

If you are interested in learning more, please e-mail with the word STUDY in the subject line to set-up an initial orientation meeting to determine if this study is right for you.